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인공 항문 봉투 colostomy bag

아래의 주소는 colostomy bag를 사용하는 모델에 대한 기사

Blake Beckford suffers from ulcerative colitis. The painful condition led him to having his colon removed and being fitted with a colostomy bag but he has now become a fitness model

Blake Beckford suffers from ulcerative colitis. The painful condition led him to having his colon removed and being fitted with a colostomy bag but he has now become a fitness model

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2710549/Bodybuilder-forced-career-devastating-bowel-disease-fitness-model-colostomy-bag.html#ixzz390muSXko
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요즘은 뉴스에 보면 모델, 비키니를 입은 여성들도 당당하게 colostomy bag를 사용하는 것을 보여주고자 한다
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