전자통신동향분석 제29권 제4호 2014년 8월
[1] DARPA, “BAA-08-20: Video and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT),” Mar. 3th, 2008.
[2] IBM Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval System, http://mp7.watson.ibm.com/imars
요건 딥러닝 관련 연구인듯. youtube 없음
[3] G. E. Hinton “A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets,” Neural Computation, 2006.
[4] G. E. Hinton, S. Osindero, and Y.-W. Teh “A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets,” Neural Comput., vol. 18, no. 7, July 2006, pp. 1527-1554.
[5] IT Pro, http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20121012/429404
연구소 홈페이지인듯 관련자료 있지만 동영상은? videos에 가면 어느정도 있긴하다
[6] Microsoft, Web Image Search and Exploration (WISE), http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/WISE
논문 검색하면 나오는듣ㅅ
[7] A Krizhevsky, “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” NIPS, 2012.
분산처리 라이브러리 인가, 다운로드 및 examples가 있네
[8] HIPI, University of Virginia, “HIPI : Hadoop Image Processing Interface,” http://hipi.cs.virginia.edu
뭐야 이건
[9] IMB Research-Columbia University, “Semantic Indexing Task,” 2012.
요건 DB 엄청 많은듯 14,197,122 images, 21841 synsets indexed
[10] Stanford, ImageNet, http://www.image-net.org
요것도 DB 13만장 쯤 되나봄
[11] MIT, SUN database, http://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/SUN/
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