동사 패턴 <자동사> [V] 동사만 사용 A large dog appeared. [V + adv. / prep.] 동사 + 부사 or 전치사구 A group of swans floated by.
<타동사> [VN] 동사 + 명사구 Jill's behaviour annoyed me. [VN + adv. / prep.] 동사 + 명사구 + 부사 or 전치사구 He kicked me the ball into the net
<타동사 2개의 목적어> [VNN] 동사 + 명사구 + 명사구 i gave Sue the book.
<연결동사> [V-ADJ] 동사 + 형용사 His void sounds hoarse. [V-N] 동사 + 명사구 Elena became a doctor. [VN-ADJ] 동사 + 명사구 + 형용사 She considered herself lucky. [VN-N] 동사 + 명사구 + 명사절 They elected him president.
<절 또는 구를 사용한 동사> [V that] [V (that)] 동사 + that절 He said that he would prefer to walk. [VN that] [VN (that)] 동사 + 명사구 + that절 Can you remind me that I need to buy some milk? [V wh-] 동사 + wh-절 I wonder what the job will be like. [VN wh-] 동사 + 명사구 + wh-절 I asked him where the hall was. [V to] 동사 + to부정사 I want to leave now. [VN to] 동사 + 명사구 + to부정사 i forced him to go with me. [VN inf] 동사 + 명사구 + 원형부정사 Did you hear the phone ring? [V -ing] 동사 + -ing구 She never stops talking. [VN -ing] 동사 + 명사구 + 현재분사 His comments set me thinking.
noun(명사) - a word like apple, book, thing, which can be used with an article
pronoun(대명사) - a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase, for example "he, it, hers, me, them, etc"
adverb(부사) - a word that adds more information about place, time, manner, case or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb "a word like tomorrow, here, badly, alse, whici is used to say ,for example when, where or how something happens"
auxiliary(verb) - a verb like be, have, do which is used with another verb to make tenses, questions etc, see also modal auxiliary verbs.
modal auxiliary verbs - can, could, may, might, must, will, shall, would, should, ought and need
verb(동사) - a word like ask, play, wake, be, can, many verbs refer to actions or states
adjective(형용사) - a word like green, hungry, impossible, used to describe
participles(분사) : 'present' and past'participles (-ing and -ed)
logy - 학문 bio - 생명, life auto - self graphy - write cide - 죽임이란 뜻의 어미 fuel - 연료 nics - 전자공학
cartesian coordinate system cartesian - carte의 데카르트의 coordinate - 좌표
retail - 소매 approximately - 대략
bachelor's-master's-doctoral? 학사-석사-박사
micro - small assay - analysis synthesis - 합성 acknowledge - 인정하다, 승인하다
duc - lead,bring con - together duce - lead de - down duct - lead in - into intro - within pro - torward re - back se - apart aqua - water induction - in + duct - ion 귀납법
-cide - kill
insecticide - insect + cide 살충제
cide의 어원 - caedere 죽이다, 때리다
genocide - 집단,대량 학살 geno(인종) + cide(kill)
suicide - cui(self) + cide(kill)
homicide - homi(human) + cide(kill)
patricide - patr(father) + cide(kill)
enocide - eco(nature) + cide(kill)
excide - exo(out) + cide(kill)
accident - ac(to) + cide(kill) + ent ..먼가 죽이는 시간(사고)
herbicide - herb(plant) + i + cide 식물 죽이는 약(제초제)
vermicide - verm + i + cide 몸속의 벌리를 죽이는 약(구충제)
autocide - auto(automobile)+cide 자동차 자살
weedicide -weed(잡초)+cide 제초제
con- - together(com,col,con,cor,co는 함께 라는 뜻 또는 강조의 의미를 지님)