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컴퓨터 과학 & 영상처리 관련/Assembly (시스템 소프트웨어)

NASM version 2.11.02 pdf 파일

x86 에서만 되나?

윈도우, 리눅스의 운영체제에서 다 돌아가지만 CPU는 가리는건가 확인 위해서






6.8 CPU: Defining CPU Dependencies

The CPU directive restricts assembly to those instructions which are available on the specified CPU.

Options are:

  • CPU 8086 Assemble only 8086 instruction set
  • CPU 186 Assemble instructions up to the 80186 instruction set
  • CPU 286 Assemble instructions up to the 286 instruction set
  • CPU 386 Assemble instructions up to the 386 instruction set
  • CPU 486 486 instruction set
  • CPU 586 Pentium instruction set
  • CPU PENTIUM Same as 586
  • CPU 686 P6 instruction set
  • CPU PPRO Same as 686
  • CPU P2 Same as 686
  • CPU P3 Pentium III (Katmai) instruction sets
  • CPU KATMAI Same as P3
  • CPU P4 Pentium 4 (Willamette) instruction set
  • CPU PRESCOTT Prescott instruction set
  • CPU X64 x86-64 (x64/AMD64/Intel 64) instruction set
  • CPU IA64 IA64 CPU (in x86 mode) instruction set

All options are case insensitive. All instructions will be selected only if they apply to the selected CPU or lower. By default, all instructions are available.


CPU로 찾은게 저정도, ARM으로 검색해도 나오는거 없음