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Improving Your English - Lesson 40 - Order of multiple adjectives
There is a specific order if multiple adjectives are used in a sentence. I don't know how this specific order was determined; however, multiple websites have all said the same thing about the order.
1st: Determiner (this, that, these, those, my, mine, your, yours, him, his, her, hers, they, their) or article (a, an, the) or quantity (several, five, etc.)
2nd: Opinion (beautiful, grotesque, smart, inexpensive, polite, fun, cute, difficult, hard-working, etc.)
3rd: Size (big, fat, fatter, fattest, thin, slim, slender, tall, taller, tallest, large, small, tiny, huge, long, longer, longest, short, wider, widest, etc.)
4th: Shape (circle, square, oval, hexagonal, triangular, 8-sided, etc.)
5th: Age (new, young, adolescent, teenage, middle-aged, old, ancient, 20 years, a year, a week, new, etc.)
6th: Color (green, blue, red, black, yellow, etc.)
7th: Origin (American, Canadian, English, French, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, European, Finnish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
8th: Material (cotton, wood, plastic, wool, leather, cloth, glass, gold, steel, aluminum, tin foil, etc.)
9th: Purpose/qualifier 형용사로서 사용되는 명사 (This describes what something is used for, and these often end in "ing".)(This group would also include a noun that is being used as an adjective.)
If two adjectives are used from the same group, use "and" between them.
If more than two adjectives are used from the same group, use commas and "and".
Sample sentences:
To find my house, look for the silver, black, and grey truck parked on the driveway. (color, color, color)
I'm interested in buying that beautiful, old, antique clock. (opinion, age, purpose/qualifier)
I heard they were going to purchase a long, modern and state of the art, tanning bed. (size, age, purpose/qualifier)
She bought an expensive, black, leather jacket yesterday. (opinion, color, material)